Strand Loissin
Welcome to the German sandy beach, called Loissin. The beach Strand Loissin is more suitable for an adventure type of beach enthusiast, than a regular family. It is located in the German region Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and offers you a true sandy beach experience. To reach it with your vehicle is not a problem, motorhomes are also welcomed. The parking place is very large and you can stay on it for a maximum time of 3 hours, or you can choose to go to the neighbouring camp. The distance from the parking space to the beach is 200 m. From the path you need to take a narrow road down to the beach, with the descent being quite a tricky one. The total length of the beach is 750m and it is 10 m wide. The water entry is very nice and the whole water area is very flat, which makes the point of swim at several 100m. On the beach there is almost zero infrastructure, but more is located inside the camp. The camp and some apartments are the only accommodation you have available around the beach.
No. of Parking Spots:
Path to the Parking:
Recommended Access:
Walk, Bike, Vehicle, Off road vehicle, Camper
Path to the beach
Distance (parking - beach):
Altitude difference (from parking to beach):