Very close to the danish city Blåvand in the region Syddanmark, you can visit a very nice sandy beach Strand Hvidbjerg. It is recommended for families and those one who like to have a touristic Village in the background of the beach. It is very easy to reach with any kind of vehicle, motorhomes are also welcomed, and you can leave your car on a large parking place only 50 m away from the beach. To access the beach from the parking place you need to cross a small dune. The beach is very long, several kilometers, and around 75 meters wide. By the water the beach gets very flat, which makes the water entry very nice. The point of swim depends on you, either you go into the water by the beach or you take a water ladder from the pier. On most part of the beach the seabed is very flat, which makes it ideal for small children to play in the water safely. Some beach infrastructure is located on the beach directly, some around the parking place. Restaurants and similar are not available directly on the beach, but in the background, in the village. In the village you also have many different options for accommodation, a camping ground included.
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From 825.00 EUR